NEMS' Corner.

I have to admit that one I am determined to give my very best (especially in class during Teaching and Learning sessions with students), I'll definitely go all out.

I love arts and creative stuffs but definitely do not have enough time for the time being to be spent on that, but I'll find time for that soon inshaAllah.

I would love to share some of my opinions on how to make a lesson an interesting one. So here goes :

  1. Be ikhlas, be happy and have a positive thoughts since the very beginning.
  2. Prepare things that you want to use in class, for teaching. Not for the sake of making your students happy, only. That is different.
  3. Think of the students you teach as your loves ones. You must be prepared the best you can, no?

:) Till then, this is a continuous segment, don't you worry. To be continued, soon InshaAllah.